Events - 12 Apr 16

Photo exhibition: “Trompe l’Oeil” | 18/03/2016-16/04/2016 | All Day


Library member, Yves Tourmen, will be showing his black and white photographs in the library from March 18th through April 16th during library hours. “I like to play with my camera to experiment with unusual photography. This time I used my camera in two different manners. I played with objects and their shadows to obtain interesting pictures. Secondly, I photographed the full moon at night to obtain short words in Morse code..this task required an enormous amount of time and patience to capture the dashes and dots!

Luncheon Club | 12/04/2016 | 12:30 pm-2:30 pm

silverwareLove those French restaurants? Feel like you need to speak English more but in a relaxed atmosphere? Join this club which schedules a lunch in a great local restaurant. Click here to send an email to the coordinator for more information and the full schedule.

Intensive English workshop for “collégiens” | 12/04/2016-14/04/2016 | 3:00 pm-6:00 pm


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“Springtime in the States”, a workshop in English for young adults ages 12-14, will take place in the library and runs over three consecutive afternoons of three hours each. This is a wonderful way for kids to have fun learning English through games, songs and lots of speaking and moving around. Cost is 75 euros (includes snack, materials and library membership). Please contact the front desk to sign up. Limited to 15.