
Dear friends of the library,

As the rain (hopefully!) slows down and the beautiful wisteria and daffodils and azaleas begin to bloom around us, we are reminded of the words of Rilke – It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.

Every year at this time, we reach out to you with a reflection on what we have accomplished and what our plans for the year ahead are as we invite your financial support.

This spring we celebrate with you the good work of our organization. Our 1,300 members from 72 countries participate in over 1,000 cultural activities and events per year, take part in 400 hours of conversation groups, and give thousands of hours of their time to support our day-to-day operations.

To sustain our efforts, this year’s fundraising campaign is more ambitious than ever. We are hoping to raise 30 000€ in individual donations in 2024.

As you may know, our building was sold so we will be moving to a new space in 2025. 18 000€ of funds raised will cover the cost of moving the collection and the work that will need to be done in our new space to adapt it to our activities. The remaining 12 000€ will help us to cover operational costs.

We are always busy in the library and there are always more events to be held and more books to be read! Your support helps us keep growing and adapting. Please consider investing in the future of the library through a monetary donation.

  • You can make a gift online here.
  • Or you can send a check addressed to the Bibliothèque Anglophone, 60 rue Boisnet 49100 Angers. Please include this donation form with your payment.

As a registered non-profit organization in France, all donations benefit from a tax deduction of 66%. In other words, if you donate 100€, the actual cost to you is 34€.

Last but not least, don’t forget to join us for our Big Book Sale this coming Saturday, April 20 from 10 am-6 pm. We will have thousands of second-hand books in English for sale including everything from children’s books to crime thrillers to cookbooks. And it’s not too late to sign up for our 2024 Reading Challenge.

We are grateful for you, our wonderful and supportive community, as we take our next steps toward continuing to grow and thrive as a library. The way forward is paved by all of us together.

With gratitude,

Gaëlle Delarboulas, President

Mandy Torsey-Guillet, Director