Write Here, Write Now!

Write Here, Write Now! | 06/04/2022 | 6:00 pm-8:00 pm

Write Here, Write Now!

Welcome to “Write Here, Write Now!”, a new activity!

Writing and sharing: join this series of workshops for people who love to write in English and don’t mind sharing what they’ve written (although this sharing is not mandatory). Springboard exercises by themes, genres, characters, time, space, imagination, real facts, even extending to other art forms will help you get your creative juices flowing…all in the company of lovers of literature. Mathieu Huvelin, a library volunteer, will delicately guide you through different ways to stimulate your writing, keep you inspired and help you get to know the writer within yourself.

“You can make anything by writing” (C.S. Lewis). Following Lewis’s invitation, let’s explore boundlessness: the world at large as well as your own secret gardens through words…while discovering the unknown realms of the writing of others.

Workshops will be run Wednesday evenings from 6 to 8 pm at the library from mid-September to mid-June on a bi-monthly basis, except during school holidays. They are free for library members (maximum of 10 participants). For more information and/or to sign up, please contact the group leader.

| 02/04/2022 | 7:00 pm-8:15 pm

The local band “Swing Colporteurs” invites you to come and enjoy some music at the library, with songs by Billy Holliday, Nougaro and Louis Amstrong. Your donations are welcome, all proceeds will be given to the Red Cross and earmarked to help the Ukrainian people. Open to the public.

Saturday Reading Group

Saturday Reading Group | 02/04/2022 | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm

Saturday Reading Group

The Saturday Reading Group is for anyone who loves to read, socialize in English, and meet new people. This Saturday, the group will read The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris.

In April 1942, Lale Sokolov, a Slovakian Jew, is forcibly transported to the concentration camps at Auschwitz-Birkenau. When his captors discover that he speaks several languages, he is put to work as a Tätowierer (the German word for tattooist), tasked with permanently marking his fellow prisoners. Imprisoned for over two and a half years, Lale witnesses horrific atrocities and barbarism—but also incredible acts of bravery and compassion. Risking his own life, he uses his privileged position to exchange jewels and money from murdered Jews for food to keep his fellow prisoners alive. One day in July 1942, Lale, prisoner 32407, comforts a trembling young woman waiting in line to have the number 34902 tattooed onto her arm. Her name is Gita, and in that first encounter, Lale vows to somehow survive the camp and marry her. A vivid, harrowing, and ultimately hopeful re-creation of Lale Sokolov’s experiences as the man who tattooed the arms of thousands of prisoners with what would become one of the most potent symbols of the Holocaust, The Tattooist of Auschwitz is also a testament to the endurance of love and humanity under the darkest possible conditions.

Meetings are once a month on Saturday afternoons starting at 3 pm. Open to all library members. To sign up please contact the group coordinator at bookgroup@ellia.org.

Knit and Natter

Knit and Natter | 01/04/2022 | 10:00 am-11:00 am

Knit and Natter

Come along and bring your knitting,

Have a natter while you’re sitting,

Or learn to knit with wool provided,

Needles loaned and stitches guided.

Knitted garments are très chic,

So be in vogue and start this week.

Knit and Natter is a free activity, open to all library members. No need to reserve, just come and enjoy! If anyone has some extra yarn please bring it in.

Take your TOEIC test

Take your TOEIC test | 01/04/2022 | 9:00 am-12:30 pm

Take your TOEIC test

The library is an authorised test center for the TOEIC Listening and Reading Test (the Test of English for International Communication). For more information please visit our TOEIC page or to sign up go to the official ETS website.

Coffee House

Coffee House | 01/04/2022 | 9:00 am-11:00 am

Coffee House

The library is back to serving coffee (and tea!) during Coffee House, isn’t that great? Join the library community for a special moment to talk about anything and everything (in English of course!). Just come in and chat with others, have a cuppa and enjoy the company! Coffee House is free and open to all library members. No need to reserve!

Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting | 31/03/2022 | 7:15 pm-8:45 pm

Annual Meeting

It’s that time of year again! Time for the library’s Annual Meeting which starts at 7:45pm on Thursday, March 31st. All members are cordially invited.


  • Approval of the Annual General meeting minutes of March 23rd, 2021,
  • Presentation and approval of the Annual Report for 2021 and the Orientation Report for 2022,
  • Approval of the 2021 accounts,
  • Approval of the 2022 provisional budget,
  •     Elections – four seats are open for the library board: 1 seat to represent the general public,one seat to represent the middle schools (collèges), one seat to represent the high schools (lycées) and one seat to represent the unversities.
  • Questions

Please remember that only members with a current membership may vote during this meeting. If you would like to check your membership validity or if you are unable to attend and would like give us your  proxy, please contact the front desk.

Books and Tea

Books and Tea | 31/03/2022 | 2:15 pm-3:45 pm

Books and Tea

“Books and Tea” is a monthly meeting for bookworms and tea drinkers (but coffee drinkers are welcome too!). Bring a book you’ve really enjoyed, talk about it and pass it on! No need to sign up, just come and enjoy!

Film club “Hedy Lamarr: From Extase to Wifi”

Film club “Hedy Lamarr: From Extase to Wifi” | 26/03/2022 | 3:00 pm-5:30 pm

Film club "Hedy Lamarr: From Extase to Wifi"

The library is pleased partner with the Université d’Angers for the Mois du Genre with the showing of “Hedy Lamarr: From Extase to Wifi” a film about the true story of Hollywood glamour queen Hedy Lamarr, the uncredited inventor of technology that would lead to the cell phone and Bluetooth. The film follows the life story of Lamarr from her youth as the daughter of assimilated Austrian Jews through her rise to fame, the Nazi onslaught, her departure for the United States, six marriages, her acting career, her landmark invention, decline, and finally her death at the age of 85 in the year 2000. Watch the trailer here.

Screening begins at 3 o’clock sharp with an introduction and followed by a discussion in English by Taina TUHKUNEN, professor of American literature and film at the Université d’Angers. See



for more info on Taina.

This activity is free and open to the public. If possible, please reserve by signing up at the front desk. The film club presents a film in English once a month on a Saturday afternoon.

Reading Shakespeare

Reading Shakespeare | 25/03/2022 | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm

Reading Shakespeare

Treat yourself to an afternoon of a collective reading of one of Shakespeare’s plays. This activity consists of watching a BBC production on DVD and then reading relative scenes. This is a great activity for lovers of language and fans of the great wit. Free and open to all library members. For more information or to sign-up, please contact the group coordinator here. The number of participants is limited.

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