Reading by French writer Luc-Michel Fouassier

Reading by French writer Luc-Michel Fouassier | 25/02/2016 | 7:00 pm-9:00 pm



In collaboration with the MIEL the library is pleased to invite you to an evening of readings in French by the author.

Luc-Michel Fouassier est né en 1968 et vit en région parisienne. Révélé par des publications en revues (Harfang, Rue Saint-Ambroise…) il connait un réel succès en 2008 dès son premier recueil Histoires Jivaro (100 micro-nouvelles de 100 mots). Depuis, 3 recueils publiés aux éditions Quadrature alternent avec 3 romans publiés aux éditions Luce Wilquin. Grand Défenseur de la nouvelle, il est aussi depuis une dizaine d’années l’organisateur du Salon d’Ozoir-la-Ferrière et du Prix Ozoir’elles.


Histoires Jivaro nouvelles Quadrature 2008

Les hommes à lunettes … nouvelles Quadrature 2010

Un si proche éloignement roman Luce Wilquin 2011

Fragments d’un fait d’hier roman Luce Wilquin 2013

Le Zilien roman Luce Wilquin 2014

Deux ans de vacances et plus nouvelles Quadrature 2016

CV and cover letter workshop

CV and cover letter workshop | 25/02/2016 | 3:30 pm-4:30 pm



Once a month the library offers a CV and cover letter workshop. Please bring in your materials to have an English-speaker correct them. No need to sign up! This activity is free for members of the library. Dates for the coming months are March 31st and April 28th.

Garden Club’s seed exchange

Garden Club’s seed exchange | 25/02/2016 | 3:00 pm-5:00 pm



The Garden Club starts up each new year with a seed exchange…otherwise known as the Great Cake Extravaganza.This is a fun afternoon of discussion on what gardens to visit in 2016.

If you would like to join the Garden Club and receive invitations to the outings in private and public gardens one Thursday afternoon a month between the months of April and October. The Garden Club is free of charge to members of the library. For more information please send an email to the President.

Pizza and board games

Pizza and board games | 23/02/2016 | 6:00 pm-8:00 pm

pizzaThe pizza and board games evening is scheduled one Tuesday a month from 6-8 pm. Cost is 7 euros (covers pizza and non-alcoholic drinks, 5 euros for children 12 and under and native English speakers). No reservations necessary, just come and enjoy! Upcoming dates for 2016 are February 23rd, March 15th, April 19th, May 24th and June 14th.

Warwickshire Choristers

Warwickshire Choristers | 20/02/2016 | 8:00 pm-9:30 pm



The library is pleased to invite you to a concert of young boys from England. Warwickshire County Boys Choir brings together well over 100 enthusiastic boy singers between the ages of 8 and 14 to perform and experience a wide repertoire. Approximately 25 will be traveling to France for this tour.

Reservations possible, call the library or send an email. Just come and enjoy the concert! Donations will be accepted in order to cover costs.

Bookclub meets to discuss “The Dinner”

Bookclub meets to discuss “The Dinner” | 19/02/2016 | 2:30 pm-4:00 pm

The Dinner

The February read for the bookclub is “The Dinner” by Herman Koch: a summer’s evening in Amsterdam and two couples meet at a fashionable restaurant. Between mouthfuls of food and over the polite scrapings of cutlery, the conversation remains a gentle hum of polite discourse – the banality of work, the triviality of holidays. But behind the empty words, terrible things need to be said, and with every forced smile and every new course, the knives are being sharpened.

Upcoming dates for 2016 are February 19th, March 18th, April 22nd, May 20th & June 17th.

Knit and natter

Knit and natter | 05/02/2016 | 10:00 am-11:00 am


Come along and bring your knitting,

Have a natter while you’re sitting,

Or learn to knit with wool provided,

Needles loaned and stitches guided.

Knitted garments are très chic,

So be in vogue and start this week.

Knit and natter is a free activity open to all members. No need to reserve, just come and enjoy yourself!

Coffee House

Coffee House | 05/02/2016 | 9:00 am-11:00 am

2014-12-05 Angers English library 5309

This is a special moment when the community gathers together to talk about everything and anything (…in English of course!) and sips coffee and tea. Coffee House is free and open to all library members. Just drop in, no need to reserve! Dates for January 2016 are the 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th.

Books and Tea

Books and Tea | 04/02/2016 | 2:00 pm-4:00 pm


“Books and Tea” is a monthly meeting for bookworms and tea drinkers. Bring a book you’ve really enjoyed, talk about it and pass it on! Upcoming 2016 dates are February 4th, March 3rd and 31st from 2 to 4 at the Casse Croute de Suzy. . No need to sign up, just come and enjoy!

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