Garden Club visit

Garden Club visit | 05/09/2024 | 2:30 pm-4:00 pm

Garden Club visit

On Thursday, September 5, we will visit the Chateau Colbert potager & butterfly exposition in Maulévrier.  The original plans for this garden date from the 18th century, and the 8000 square meter, organic kitchen garden was twice elected the “plus beau potager de France” (in 2016 and again in 2021).  The one-and-a-half-hour visit is guided by the jardinier-potagiste, who will explain the secrets of a kitchen garden, and talk about some forgotten vegetables and aromatic herbs.  The butterfly house is the private collection of the owner’s son who is a passionate entomologist.  The cost of this visit is 9€.


We will meet for lunch beforehand.  Check back here for information about the restaurant.


Please send an email to no later than August 22nd if you are interested, indicating whether you will come to just the visit or come for both the visit and the lunch.