Events - 17 Nov 23

Coffee House | 17/11/2023 | 9:00 am-11:00 am

Coffee House

Join the library community for a special moment to talk about anything and everything (in English of course!). Just come in and chat with others, have a cuppa and enjoy the company! Coffee House is free and open to all library members. No need to reserve! Donations welcome as always!

Knit and Natter | 17/11/2023 | 10:00 am-11:00 am

Knit and Natter

Come along and bring your knitting,

Have a natter while you’re sitting,

Or learn to knit with wool provided,

Needles loaned and stitches guided.

Knitted garments are très chic,

So be in vogue and start this week.

Knit and Natter is a free activity, open to all library members. No need to reserve, just come and enjoy! If anyone has some extra yarn please bring it in.

Book Club reads “The English Teacher” | 17/11/2023 | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm

Book Club reads "The English Teacher"

The November read for the book club is “The English Teacher” by J K Narayan.

“As an English teacher and lecturer at Albert Mission College, Krishna has led a mundane and monotonous lifestyle comparable to that of a cow. But he also plays an important role in protecting Indian culture. His life changes when his wife, Susila, and their child, Leela, come to live with him.”     

To join the book club please send an email to the group coordinator here.