Events - 11 Mar 16

Coffee House | 11/03/2016 | 9:00 am-11:00 am

2014-12-05 Angers English library 5309

This is a special moment when the community gathers together to talk about everything and anything (…in English of course!) and sips coffee and tea. Coffee House is free and open to all library members. Just drop in, no need to reserve! Coffee house is every Friday except during school holidays.

Knit and Natter | 11/03/2016 | 10:00 am-11:00 am



Come along and bring your knitting,

Have a natter while you’re sitting,

Or learn to knit with wool provided,

Needles loaned and stitches guided.

Knitted garments are très chic,

So be in vogue and start this week!


Knit and natter is a free activity open to all members. No need to reserve, just come in and knit to your heart’s content!

Presentation in English on the 20 best-loved English-language poets of the 20th century | 11/03/2016 | 10:00 am-11:00 am


Spring is here! Well, almost…while waiting for those warmer days, take some time for poetry and the French national celebration “Le Printemps des poètes”...


During our normally scheduled Coffee House, 10-11 am, thelibrary will have a presentation on 20 of the most-loved 20th-century poets: thier lives and their poems. Following this vivacious little presentation we will have a little team-based trivia competition based on the presentation. The winners will receive a delectable little gift. No reservations necessary. Just come and enjoy!

Reading Shakespeare | 11/03/2016 | 3:00 pm-5:00 pm

ShakespeareTreat yourself to an afternoon of a collective reading of Shakespeare. The activity consists of watching a BBC production on DVD and then reading relative scenes. This is a great activity for lovers of language and fans of the great wit. The activity is free for library members. Please sign up at the front desk.