
Thanksgiving! | 29/11/2015 | 11:00 am-5:00 pm


The library is organising a Thanksgiving meal on Sunday, November 29th.

This will be a full day of events including a walk in the woods to work up your appetite, a full turkey and vegetable meal & entertainment.

Cost is 25 euros for adults. Children are welcome: 6-14 year olds pay 10 euros and children under 5 are free. Seating is limited at 77 so please let us know as soon as you can by sending an email to if you would like to join the festivities.

This is a very special event for the library…as we have much to be thankful for!

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Explore. Dream. Discover. | 21/11/2015 | 4:00 pm-5:30 pm

Join us for a series of presentations about other countries and the many existing possibilities for travelling abroad. This time the presentation is going to be about the many unknown opportunities for exploring other countries! There will be information about WORKING, STUDYING, INTERNSHIPPING, ERASMUS+, VOLUNTEERING & EUROPEAN VOLUNTEER SERVICE & CHEAP TRAVELLING possibilities abroad. If you are interested in branching out, meeting new international friends, discovering new cultures & countries…. JOIN US on Saturday, November 21st at 4:00! If you have experience traveling and living abroad, COME and SHARE your stories! Listen to other opportunities that are out there ready to be grasped! After the presentation, there will be a question and answer session. Feel free to invite your friends! No need to reserve…just come and…start dreaming!

Film and talk by young Syrian filmmaker

Film and talk by young Syrian filmmaker | 13/11/2015 | 10:00 am-10:45 am

Hanna Karim, a young Syrian filmmaker and photographer, will be giving a talk on life in his hometown Aleppo, Syria before, during and in the aftermath of the war. Following his presentation will be a screening of his film “As Homing Pigeons” which was recognized at the Short Film Corner during the Cannes Film Festival in 2015. There will be a time for questions and answers after the screening. Free and open to the public. No need to reserve.


French Conversation Groups

French Conversation Groups | 06/11/2015 | 11:00 am-12:00 pm

learning French
Time to brush up your French?
The library offers French conversation groups for adults! This group uses newspaper articles and latest news to incite the members to talk about French culture. They work on vocubulary for shopping at the market, communicating with the local garage, traveling around France and more…plus general tips about living in France. There is a little bit of grammar of course, but just enough to help you get a sense of what you are hearing. The object is to ease you into the language and culture…and help make the French chapter of your life easier . Please contact the front desk to sign up. Groups meet on Friday mornings from 11 – 12 (except during school holidays). Cost is 60 euros for an individual and 90 euros for a couple; this covers the activity through the month of June. November dates are the 6th, the 13th, the 20th and the 27th.

Presentation on “How to make the most out of your money”

Presentation on “How to make the most out of your money” | 06/11/2015 | 10:00 am-10:45 am

This talk/presentation in English, free and open to the public, will be held during “Coffee House” by Amanda Johnson from

Spectrum IFA Group

and Karolyn Chauvigné from

Currencies Direct


Forward planning for your retirement can mean the difference between having the reassurance of financial security in later years rather than the worry of wondering how you will cope


How do you choose your investments when you are an expatriate? Taking personalised Investment Advice can be vital, especially in the current economic environment, with high inflation and record low interest rates


Inheritance Tax Planning for expatriates requires careful consideration.  At home or abroad your plans to pass any assets in the future to your family will be determined by the place where you live and if you are UK domiciled


Currencies Direct is a foreign exchange company, which is fully regulated in the UK (FCA) and in France (AMF). Karolyn will be able to give you invaluable information on how to get the best out of your currency exchange. From just £150 upwards, we can save you between 3 and 5% on bank rates and with no charges at all!

“Get a better deal, after all, it’s your money we’re talking about”

Intensive English workshops for “collégiens”

Intensive English workshops for “collégiens” | 27/10/2015-29/10/2015 | 3:00 pm-6:00 pm

halloween1 halloween
This halloween workshop for young adults between the ages of 12-14 takes place in the library and runs over three consecutive afternoons of three hours each. This is a wonderful way for kids to have fun learning English through games, songs and lots of speaking and moving around. Cost is 75 euros (includes snack, materials and library membership). Please contact the front desk to sign up. Limited to 15.

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Explore. Dream. Discover. | 10/10/2015 | 4:00 pm-5:30 pm

explore, dream, discover

We are going to extend SUMMER this year! Join us to listen to a series of presentations by foreign students living in Angers. They will share stories about their home country, their experiences abroad and possibilities for youth travel. A chance for you to get to know NEW PEOPLE, NEW CULTURES AND HAVE A LOT FUN!
The 10th of October, we’re going to SOUTH AMERICA! Meet Siobhán, an Irish girl who volunteered in Argentina and Tatiana, a Peruvian student who will speak about her country. After the talks, there will be a question and answer session with the presenters.
Free and open to the public. No need to reserve…just come and have fun!

Talk in French on King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table

Talk in French on King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table | 02/10/2015 | 10:00 pm-11:00 pm

King Arthur
<h5>Conférence en français de Georges Bertin : “Le Roi Arthur, la figure et ses réceptions dans les arts et la littérature.”</h5>

Arthur, roi de Grande Bretagne au 6e siècle, hante l’imaginaire des hommes et des femmes qui entretiennent le souvenir de ses aventures. Sa légende s’inscrit d’abord dans un contexte panceltique, quand, à partir du 1er millénaire les celtes ont progressivement occupé toute l’Europe et arrivent en Grande Bretagne. A cette époque nous disent les contes, un chef de guerre nommé Arthur bat les Saxons au Mont Badon (500). L’imagination populaire en a fait un grand roi, et les textes les plus anciens le mentionnent comme un chef de guerre, quelques vestiges archéologiques mentionnent son nom, le lieu de son palais (Camelot) et de sa sépulture (Glastonbury). Mais avec Arthur, c’est d’abord la légende qui contribue à créer un héros pan européen, un mythe universel.

Qu’en est-il donc du roi Arthur ? Il y a le légendaire roi Arthur, né de l’union illégitime d’Uter Pendragon et de l’épouse du duc de Cornouailles, surprise grâce à un stratagème de Merlin, lequel élèvera le futur roi en retrait et dans l’anonymat. Encore écuyer, une nuit de Noël, il parvient à arracher l’épée royale de l’enclume (ou du perron) et reconnu comme roi, ralliera à lui les tribus de Grande Bretagne. Après avoir fondé la Table Ronde, le plus ancien ordre chevaleresque du monde voué à la quête du Saint Graal, vaincu nombre d’ennemis dans douze batailles dont, opposé aux Saxons (la plus célèbre étant celle du Mont Badon), il sort victorieux, il finira, tué par Mordred le fils incestueux qu’il avait eu de sa sœur Morgane. Transporté par les fées en l’Ile d’Avalon, il doit en revenir pour apporter la paix à ce monde troublé. « Encore y est, bretons l’attendent », écrivait Rober Wace, le vieux trouvère anglo-normand. Mais comment comprendre son immense popularité ? On la doit d’abord aux traditions galloises (les Goddodins) véhiculées par les Bardds puis les vies de saints gallois et irlandais et les historiens latins tels Nennius et Geoffroy de Monmouth. Les souverains anglo-normands surtout Henri II Plantagenêt et Aliénor d’Aquitaine vont favoriser la diffusion de la légende arthurienne en Occident. En Angleterre, alors que les Tudor ressuscitent les traditions des chevaliers de la Table Ronde c’est au 15e siècle, à une époque tourmentée de l’histoire anglaise (la Guerre des Deux Roses) que sir Thomas Malory écrit une Morte d’Arthur véritable matrice où puiseront les romantiques comme Alfred Tennyson. Le Théâtre, le roman de fantasy, le cinéma, la bande dessinée, la TV, les jeux vidéos, ne cessent à notre époque de rendre toujours plus actuel le mythe arthurien les exploits des chevaliers de la Table Ronde la quête du saint Graal.

Rex Arturus rex futurus, chantait le trouvère normand du roman de Rou. Les travaux actuels des Chevaliers et Dames de la Table Ronde permettent d’en percevoir désormais et la genèse et les avatars et ceci n’est pas également sans informer notre avenir, mais c’est une autre histoire.
Georges Bertin, International First Knight of The Order of the Round Table.

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