Knit and natter

Knit and natter | 30/03/2018 | 10:00 am-11:00 am


Come along and bring your knitting,

Have a natter while you’re sitting,

Or learn to knit with wool provided,

Needles loaned and stitches guided.

Knitted garments are très chic,

So be in vogue and start this week.


Knit and natter is a free activity open to all members. No need to reserve, just come and enjoy yourself!

Coffee House

Coffee House | 30/03/2018 | 9:00 am-11:00 am

2014-12-05 Angers English library 5309

This is a special moment when the community gathers together to talk about everything and anything (…in English of course!) and sips coffee and tea. Coffee House is free and open to all library members. Just drop in, no need to reserve!

Highlights of English Musical Heritage

Highlights of English Musical Heritage | 27/03/2018 | 4:00 pm-6:00 pm

For music lovers who are not necessarily musicians, the library presents a series of sessions aiming at illustrating  the heritage of English Classical Music in its most specific and beautiful forms, mainly vocal music. Each session will focus on a composer, with a short presentation of the work and the composer, followed by the listening of selected pieces through  selected  videos, often with different interpretations. The point is to share comments and criticism with the group members.

This session will focus on Handel’s first big success in London, the opera “RINALDO”.

These sesssions are free and open to the public. No need to reserve, just come and enjoy!

Saturday Reading Group

Saturday Reading Group | 24/03/2018 | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm

The Saturday Reading Group is for anyone who loves to read, socialize in English, and meet new people.

The March read for the group is “Water for Elephants” by Sara Gruen. Though he may not speak of them, the memories still dwell inside Jacob Jankowski’s ninety-something-year-old mind. Memories of himself as a young man, tossed by fate onto a rickety train that was home to the Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth. Memories of a world filled with freaks and clowns, with wonder and pain and anger and passion; a world with its own narrow, irrational rules, its own way of life, and its own way of death. The world of the circus: to Jacob it was both salvation and a living hell. Jacob was there because his luck had run out-orphaned and penniless, he had no direction until he landed on this locomotive “ship of fools.” It was the early part of the Great Depression, and everyone in this third-rate circus was lucky to have any job at all. Marlena, the star of the equestrian act, was there because she fell in love with the wrong man, a handsome circus boss with a wide mean streak. And Rosie the elephant was there because she was the great gray hope, the new act that was going to be the salvation of the circus; the only problem was, Rosie didn’t have an act-in fact, she couldn’t even follow instructions. The bond that grew among this unlikely trio was one of love and trust, and ultimately, it was their only hope for survival.

When and where: Meetings will be held in the library once a month on Saturday afternoons starting at 3:00. Cost: FREE to all members of the library. To join: Please contact Anne Kaar at

National Public Speaking Competition

National Public Speaking Competition | 24/03/2018 | 2:00 pm-5:30 pm

The library, the English Speaking Union and the Maison de l’Europe are pleased to invite the general public to the French National Public Speaking Competition in English for high school students on Saturday, March 24th starting at 2pm.

14 young high school students from 7 different high schools will be competing to represent France in the International Public Speaking Competition organised by the English Speaking Union to take place in London in May.
The library is proud to help empower these young students ! Please click here for your official invitation and note that all you will need to reserve by March 17th if you are wanting to attend.

Open house and BBB (big, big booksale) & bakesale

Open house and BBB (big, big booksale) & bakesale | 24/03/2018 | 10:00 am-6:00 pm


Note the date for the library’s big booksale and bakesale (otherwise known as the BBB) & spring fun(d)draiser from 10-6!

The big, big booksale & bakesale is not to miss. This is the ultimate win-win situation: support community services that the library provides while finding great book bargains…oddles and oddles of books for sale and a delicious bakesale!




Bookclub reads “Christine Falls”

Bookclub reads “Christine Falls” | 23/03/2018 | 2:30 pm-4:00 pm

The March read for the bookclub is “Christine Falls” by Benjamin Black.

The hero of Christine Falls, Quirke, is a surly pathologist living in 1950s Dublin. One night, after having a few drinks at a party, he returns to the morgue to find his brother-in-law tampering with the records on a young woman’s corpse. The next morning, when his hangover has worn off, Quirke reluctantly begins looking into the woman’s history. He discovers a plot that spans two continents, implicates the Catholic Church, and may just involve members of his own family. He is warned–first subtly, then with violence–to lay off, but Quirke is a stubborn man. The first novel in the Quirke series brings all the vividness and psychological insight of John Banville’s writing to the dark, menacing atmosphere of a first-class thriller.

For any enquiries about joining the bookclub please send an email by clicking here.

Walk and Talk

Walk and Talk | 23/03/2018 | 2:00 pm-6:00 pm

hiking boots
Time to get outside! Get on those hiking boots and take some time to revel in the great outdoors! The idea is to organise an easy walk once a month – approximately 10 km, 2 to 3 hours, in the afternoon – in order to discover or re-discover the beautiful hiking paths of the Maine-et-Loire. Come along with good walking shoes, protection against rain, cold or heat according to the season…. a bottle of water and a little “en-cas” to keep you going ! Maximum group is 20 so make sure to sign up!

Want to sign up? Easy as pie!

Sign up by sending your name, email address and phone numbers (perferably cell phone) to this email address. You will be sent full details of the walk in due time.

Talk by Scott Sayare “Jihadists in France”

Talk by Scott Sayare “Jihadists in France” | 23/03/2018 | 10:00 am-11:00 am


Scott Sayare will be speaking on “Jihadists in France”.

Scott Sayare is a writer and reporter based in Paris. For five years he reported for The New York Times, attached to the newspaper’s foreign bureau in the French capital and dispatched across France, southern Europe and North Africa.  More recently, his reporting and essays have appeared in The Atlantic, GQ, and Harper’s.

No reservations necessary. Limited seating so come early! The Speaker program offers special guest speakers from September 2017 through June 2018 and has been made possible through a generous grant from the American Embassy. For information on the talks through March click here.

Knit and natter

Knit and natter | 23/03/2018 | 10:00 am-11:00 am


Come along and bring your knitting,

Have a natter while you’re sitting,

Or learn to knit with wool provided,

Needles loaned and stitches guided.

Knitted garments are très chic,

So be in vogue and start this week.


Knit and natter is a free activity open to all members. No need to reserve, just come and enjoy yourself!

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