Saturday Reading Group reads A Street Cat Named Bob

Saturday Reading Group reads A Street Cat Named Bob | 10/11/2018 | 3:00 -4:30

Saturday Reading Group reads A Street Cat Named Bob

The Saturday Reading Group is for anyone who loves to read, socialize in English, and meet new people.

The November read for the group is “A Street Cat Named Bob” by James Bowen. When James Bowen found an injured, ginger street cat curled up in the hallway of his sheltered accommodation, he had no idea just how much his life was about to change. James was living hand to mouth on the streets of London and the last thing he needed was a pet. Yet James couldn’t resist helping the strikingly intelligent tom cat, whom he quickly christened Bob. He slowly nursed Bob back to health and then sent the cat on his way, imagining he would never see him again. But Bob had other ideas. Soon the two were inseparable and their diverse, comic and occasionally dangerous adventures would transform both their lives, slowly healing the scars of each other’s troubled pasts. A Street Cat Named Bob is a moving and uplifting story that will touch the heart of anyone who reads it.

The group will also be discussing the 2016 film starring Luke Treadway and Bob the Cat.

When and where: Meetings will be held in the library once a month on Saturday afternoons starting at 3:00. Cost: FREE to all members of the library. To join: Please contact Anne Kaar at

The Press Review in English

The Press Review in English | 10/11/2018 | 2:00 -3:00

The Press Review in English

The Internet is wonderful and can answer all your questions. For most of us, it is the main source for news. Indeed, we have immediate access to plenty of media from different parts of the world. But can they all be trusted? Using different sources and media, the press review helps you to find your way through the news and be well-informed. This is an informal sharing and discussion of the news in English. Please feel free to bring in an article that you would like to share with the other members of the group.

Meetings are held on Saturdays from 2-3pm. Dates for 2018-2019 are Nov 10th, Dec 8th, Jan 12th, Feb 16th, March 16th, April 13th and May 18th

This activity, free for library members, is organized by freelance journalist and library volunteer: Isma Hassaine-Poirier.

Knit and natter

Knit and natter | 09/11/2018 | 10:00 -11:00

Knit and natter

Come along and bring your knitting,

Have a natter while you’re sitting,

Or learn to knit with wool provided,

Needles loaned and stitches guided.

Knitted garments are très chic,

So be in vogue and start this week.

Knit and natter is a free activity open to all members. No need to reserve, just come and enjoy yourself! If anyone has some extra wool please bring it in. The Knitting group has a project knitting twiddle muffs and are looking for bits and pieces of washable wool.

Coffee House

Coffee House | 09/11/2018 | 9:00 -11:00

Coffee House

This is a special moment when the community gathers together to talk about everything and anything (…in English of course!) and sips coffee and tea. Coffee House is free and open to all library members. Just drop in, no need to reserve!

Evening at the Opera…!

Evening at the Opera…! | 08/11/2018 | 6:00 -8:00

Evening at the Opera...!

Angers Nantes Opéra invites the members of the English-language Library to “Chantez-vous le londonien”: une mise en bouche de The Beggar’s Opera où les spectateurs sont amenés à (dans le désordre) tester l’accent cockney lors d’une ballad, découvrir des éléments (voir des secrets) sur The Beggar’s Opera…par Tony et Kirsty Baker. 40 minutes environ. Entrée libre et gratuite sur réservation avec la Bibliothèque Anglophone par email

To be followed by THE BEGGAR’S OPERA by Gay Pepusch performed in English with French subtitles starting at 8 pm. Tickets still available. Prix de 7 à 30 euros. Contact Mise en scène : Robert Carsen et mise en musique : William Christie. Durée 1h40 environ.

Genre savant, noble et complexe, l’opéra a donné lieu, très tôt, à de succulentes caricatures. Angers Nantes Opéra présentait la saison dernière Atys en folie, parodie du grand opéra à la française de Jean-Baptiste Lully. Cette fois, nous passons de l’autre côté du Channel où à la même époque, les années 1720, John Gay et Johann Christoph Pepusch signent avec The Beggar’s Opera (L’Opéra desgueux) une œuvre bien plus grinçante encore : nous ne sommes pas dans la caricature des dieux et des héros de l’Antiquité mais dans l’évocation des basfonds de Londres, monde de brigands, de prostituées, de représentants de l’ordre corrompus jusqu’à la moelle. Une satire sociale en fait intemporelle, accompagnée de chansons populaires (des ballads, d’où le sous-titre de ballad opera) dont les sonorités sont toujours familières à nos oreilles du XXIe siècle.

Le grand metteur en scène d’opéra Robert Carsen a donc bien fait de réadapter cette pièce pour souligner combien les vices d’aujourd’hui sont proches de ceux d’hier et nous rendre plus familière encore la légende de Macheath, voleur, trafiquant, chef de bande, effronté, inconstant, menteur, qu’entoure toute une galerie de personnages pittoresques.

Et il a réuni une éblouissante distribution de chanteurs, comédiens, danseurs britanniques, tandis que William Christie, à la tête des Arts Florissants, se lançait dans une passionnante reconstruction de la partition de Pepusch. Sur instruments anciens, bien entendu, mais dans l’esprit d’une pop music de toujours, énergique et transgressive, qui redouble la verve théâtrale par une inépuisable fantaisie sonore.

Textile Arts & Crafts

Textile Arts & Crafts | 08/11/2018 | 2:00 -4:00

Textile Arts & Crafts

If you love needlecraft, this activity is for you! Each participant will make a textile creation of their choice, (bag, pouch, wall tapestry, whatever you fancy!) all while exchanging different techniques in English.

Bring your own materials and join us at the library once a month on Thursday afternoons from 2 to 4 p.m. on the following dates: November 8th and December 6th. Free to library members. Please sign up at the front desk, when possible.

Drama Club

Drama Club | 07/11/2018 | 6:00 -7:30

Drama Club

Come join the Drama Club which is open to adults and university students, with or without acting experience. It will consist of miming, improvising, and acting out published works of theater, such as sketches and plays.

Meetings will take place at the library twice a month (except during school holidays) on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Please attend regularly on the following dates: November 7th, November 21st, December 5th, December 19th, January 9th, January 23rd, February 6th, February 27th, March 13th, March 27th, April 3rd, April 24th, May 15th, May 22nd, June 5th and June 12th.

This activity is open to library members, the cost is 90€ for the 2018-2019 school year. Sign up at the front desk. Take the stage and break a leg! 

Highlights of English Musical Heritage

Highlights of English Musical Heritage | 06/11/2018 | 4:00 -6:00

Highlights of English Musical Heritage

For music lovers who are not necessarily musicians, the library presents a series of sessions aiming at illustrating  the heritage of English Classical Music in its most specific and beautiful forms, mainly vocal music. Each session will focus on a composer, with a short presentation of the work and the composer, followed by the listening of selected pieces through  selected  videos, often with different interpretations. The point is to share comments and criticism with the group members.

This session will focus on Handel’s opera “Alcina”.

These sessions are free and open to the public. Please let Michel Cartillier know if you will be present by sending an email to this address.

The big Silver Anniversary!!! It is time to celebrate!

The big Silver Anniversary!!! It is time to celebrate! | 06/11/2018-06/12/2018 | 4:00

The big Silver Anniversary!!! It is time to celebrate!

Tuesday December 4th at 4 pm and Thursday December 6th at 4 pm – Curious about what people think about the library? This is a documentary film put together by Sarah Hagy with interviews with different people about their relationship to the library, how they see the past (25 years!) and the future of the library! We will be showing the same documentary on 5 different dates so simply choose which is best for you. Please sign up by emailing

Thursday, December 6th – join us at the 400 Coups for “Murder on the Orient Express” directed by Kenneth Branagh based on the 1934 novel by Agatha Christie.  2 Rue Jeanne Moreau. Time to be announced.

 More information about all these events can be found on


Reading Shakespeare

Reading Shakespeare | 02/11/2018 | 3:00 -5:00

Reading Shakespeare

Treat yourself to an afternoon of a collective reading of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. This activity consists of watching a BBC production on DVD and then reading relative scenes. This is a great activity for lovers of language and fans of the great wit. The activity is free for library members. Please sign up by sending an email to John Barritt.

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