Garden Club visit

Garden Club visit | 06/07/2017 | 3:00 -6:00


The garden club invites you to discover the beautiful gardens in the area! This free activity is open to library members and offers visits once a month to the garden of the Manoir de Châtelaison.

The owners of this 15th-century manor have created a series of interconnected gardens, divided by hedges of charme, buis and If, with water pools, fountains and cascades and mosaics; giving the impression of much more than 8000 sq. metres of space.  The visit is accompanied by Mr Gentilhomme and costs 5 euro.

For more information and/or to sign up for this visit please send an email to

July 4th concert & picnic at the Domaine de Bré

July 4th concert & picnic at the Domaine de Bré | 04/07/2017 | 5:00 -9:30

July 4th

Join us for a July 4th concert and bring-your-own-picnic party!

Members and friends of the library are invited to a July 4th celebration at the Domaine de Bré including concert and picnic! Come for an evening on Tuesday, July 4th…bring your own picnic basket and plates, glasses and silverware…a drink will be offered free. Concert starts at 5 and will be followed by the bring-your-own picnic in the beautiful garden of Bré.

Javier Oviedo

The concert will be performed by
Javier Oviedo on the saxophone and Marie-Danielle Mercier on the piano and is part of the SOIREES MUSICALES at the Domaine de Bré.


·         Gabriel PIERNE – Canzonetta

·         Enrique GRANADOS – Trois Danses Espagnoles

·         Hector BERLIOZ – Le Spectre de la Rose

·         Jacques IBERT – Histoires…

Suggested donation = 15 euros, contribution given wholly to the musicians.

For directions please click here.
Please reserve by sending an email to by June 29th.

Walk and Talk

Walk and Talk | 25/06/2017 | All Day

hiking boots
Time to get outside! Get on those hiking boots and take some time to revel in the great outdoors! The idea is to organise an easy walk once a month – approximately 10 km, 2 to 3 hours, in the afternoon – in order to discover or re-discover the beautiful hiking paths of the Maine-et-Loire. Come along with good walking shoes, protection against rain, cold or heat according to the season…. a bottle of water and a little “en-cas” to keep you going ! Maximum group is 20 so make sure to sign up!

Want to sign up? Easy as pie!

Sign up by sending your name, email address and phone numbers (perferably cell phone) to this email address. You will be sent full details of the walk in due time.


Bookclub | 23/06/2017 | 2:30 -4:00


The June read for the bookclub is “Summer” by Edith Wharton.

‘Can’t you see that I don’t care what anybody says?’ Charity Royall lives in the small New England village of North Dormer. Born among outcasts from the Mountain beyond, she is rescued by lawyer Royall and lives with him as his ward. Never allowed to forget her disreputable origins Charity despises North Dormer and rebels against the stifling dullness of the tight-knit community surrounding her. Her boring job in the local library is interrupted one day by the arrival of a young visiting architect, Lucius Harney, whose good looks and sophistication arouse her passionate nature. As their relationship grows, so too does Charity’s conflict with her guardian; darker undercurrents start to come to the surface. Summer is often compared to Wharton’s other New England story, Ethan Frome, and it shares the same intensity of feeling and repression. Wharton regarded it as one of her best works, and its compelling story of burgeoning sexuality and illicit desire has a strikingly modern and troubling ambiguity.
For any enquiries about joining the bookclub please send an email by clicking here.

Author Harriet Springbett talks about her book “Tree Magic”

Author Harriet Springbett talks about her book “Tree Magic” | 23/06/2017 | 10:00 -11:00

Harriet Springbett copyright Christine WestTree-Magic-paperback-image

Harriet Springbett’s debut novel, Tree Magic, was published by Impress Books earlier this year. A coming-of-age novel set in Dorset and the Charente, it has charmed adults and teenagers alike, as can be seen from the reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. In Tree Magic we see how troubled teenager Rainbow comes to terms with her gift for communicating with trees. She must struggle to reinvent herself and piece together her broken family.

Tree Magic is a beautiful and universal tale of loss, love and learning to find a place in a world without roots.” Storgy Magazine 

If you’d like to meet Harriet and get your copy of Tree Magic signed, come and meet her in the English language library in Angers at 10 a.m. on Friday 23rd June. She’ll be reading from her book and talking about the journey to publication, which will be of particular interest for unpublished writers on the same path.

Harriet lives in Poitou-Charentes with her French partner and teenage daughters. She is working on her 4th novel and also writes short stories and blogs about writing and cultural events in France on Harriet Springbett’s Playground.

Pizza and board games

Pizza and board games | 20/06/2017 | 6:00 -8:00

pizzaThe pizza and board games evening is scheduled one Tuesday a month from 6-8 pm. Cost is 7 euros (covers pizza and non-alcoholic drinks, 5 euros for children 12 and under and native English speakers). No reservations necessary, just come and enjoy! This is the last pizza and board games evening before the summer break…stay tuned for dates for the fall…

Saturday Reading Group

Saturday Reading Group | 17/06/2017 | 5:00 -6:30

The Saturday Reading Group is for anyone who loves to read, socialize in English, and meet new people.

The June selection is the book “qmlbqjofdbij” by Colm Toibin. Eilis Lacey has come of age in small-town Ireland in the hard years following World War Two. Though skilled at book-keeping, Ellis cannot find a proper job in the miserable Irish economy. When an Irish priest from Brooklyn visits the household and offers to sponsor Eilis in America — to live and work in a Brooklyn neighborhood “just like Ireland” — she decides she must go, leaving her fragile mother and her charismatic sister behind. Eilis finds work in a department store on Fulton Street, studies accounting at Brooklyn sister behind. Eilis finds work in a department store on Fulton Street, studies accounting at Brooklyn College, and when she least expects it, finds love. Tony, who loves the Dodgers and his big Italian family, slowly wins her over with persistent charm. He takes Eilis to Coney Island and Ebbets Field, and home to dinner in the two-room apartment he shares with his brothers and parents. But just as Eilis begins to fall in love with Tony and consider what this means, devastating news from Ireland threatens the promise of her future.

When and where: Meetings will be held in the library once a month on Saturday afternoons starting at 3:00. Cost: FREE to all members of the library. To join: Please contact Anne Kaar at

Saturday Reading Group

Saturday Reading Group | 17/06/2017 | 3:00 -4:30

The Saturday Reading Group is for anyone who loves to read, socialize in English, and meet new people.

The June selection is the book “Brooklyn” by Colm Toibin. Eilis Lacey has come of age in small-town Ireland in the hard years following World War Two. Though skilled at book-keeping, Ellis cannot find a proper job in the miserable Irish economy. When an Irish priest from Brooklyn visits the household and offers to sponsor Eilis in America — to live and work in a Brooklyn neighborhood “just like Ireland” — she decides she must go, leaving her fragile mother and her charismatic sister behind. Eilis finds work in a department store on Fulton Street, studies accounting at Brooklyn sister behind. Eilis finds work in a department store on Fulton Street, studies accounting at Brooklyn College, and when she least expects it, finds love. Tony, who loves the Dodgers and his big Italian family, slowly wins her over with persistent charm. He takes Eilis to Coney Island and Ebbets Field, and home to dinner in the two-room apartment he shares with his brothers and parents. But just as Eilis begins to fall in love with Tony and consider what this means, devastating news from Ireland threatens the promise of her future.

When and where: Meetings will be held in the library once a month on Saturday afternoons starting at 3:00. Cost: FREE to all members of the library. To join: Please contact Anne Kaar at

Film Club presents “Blue Jasmine”

Film Club presents “Blue Jasmine” | 17/06/2017 | 3:00 -5:30


The next film club event will be a showing of “Blue Jasmine” by Woody Allen (2013). After everything in her life falls to pieces, including her marriage to wealthy businessman Hal (Alec Baldwin), elegant New York socialite Jasmine (Cate Blanchett) moves into her sister Ginger’s (Sally Hawkins) modest apartment in San Francisco to try to pull herself back together again. Jasmine arrives in San Francisco in a fragile mental state, her head reeling from the cocktail of anti-depressants she’s on. While still able to project her aristocratic bearing, Jasmine is emotionally precarious and lacks any practical ability to support herself. She disapproves of Ginger’s boyfriend Chili (Bobby Cannavale), who she considers another “loser” like Ginger’s ex-husband Augie (Andrew Dice Clay). Ginger, recognizing but not fully understanding her sister’s psychological instability, suggests that she pursue interior design, a career she correctly intuits that Jasmine won’t feel is beneath her. In the meantime, Jasmine begrudgingly accepts work as the receptionist in a dentist’s office, where she attracts the unwanted attentions of her boss, Dr. Flicker (Michael Stuhlbarg). Feeling that her sister might be right about her poor taste in men, Ginger starts seeing Al (Louis C.K.), a sound engineer whom she considers as a step up from Chili. Jasmine sees a potential lifeline when she meets Dwight (Peter Sarsgaard), a diplomat who is quickly smitten with her beauty, sophistication and style. Jasmine’s flaw is that she derives her worth from the way she’s perceived by others, while she herself is blind to what is going around her. Delicately portrayed by a regal Cate Blanchett, Jasmine earns our compassion because she is the unwitting instrument of her own downfall. Woody Allen’s new drama BLUE JASMINE is about the dire consequences that can result when people avert their eyes from reality and the truth they don’t want to see.

Screening begins at 15:00 sharp. This activity is free of charge for all library members. Please reserve by signing up at the front desk in advance. A discussion in English will follow the film.

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