Garden Club visit

Garden Club visit | 04/07/2024 | 2:30 pm-4:00 pm

Garden Club visit

On Thursday, July 4, the Garden Club will visit the Parc & Jardin du Chateau d’Epiré, rue de l’Ancienne Eglise, in Savennieres ( This garden, potager, and vineyard has existed non-stop since 1882. The owner will provide a visit of the family estate, and the Epiré church, which is right next to the park.  He can also give us access to the Savennieres church, which has rare paintings, if there is enough interest.  Feel free to bring snacks to have under a tree after the visit. The visit costs 7€. You can find more information on their site:

If you would like to join for lunch, a noon reservation has been made at A Table Chez Mili, 1 rue Thierry Sandre in Savennieres.  This restaurant offers a menu for 16€ that includes entrée, plat, dessert, and coffee.  There is only one choice on the menu each day; however, if you are vegetarian or otherwise have a special diet, please let me know in advance.

Please send an email to no later than June 20th if you are interested, indicating whether you will come to just the visit or come for both the visit and the lunch.  Also, indicate whether or not you are interested in visiting the church with the rare paintings.

Atelier d’Anglais pour collégiens: Sea, Sun & Fun

Atelier d’Anglais pour collégiens: Sea, Sun & Fun | 03/07/2024-05/07/2024 | 2:00 pm-5:00 pm

Atelier d'Anglais pour collégiens: Sea, Sun & Fun

“Sea, Sun and Fun” est un atelier d’apprentissage de l’anglais de 3 jours destiné aux collégiens. Les participants apprennent l’anglais de manière ludique et interactive avec des jeux, des chansons et des activités où l’on parle beaucoup et où l’on bouge beaucoup ! L’atelier se déroulera à la bibliothèque pendant trois après-midis consécutifs de trois heures chacun, de 14h à 17h.
Pour vous inscrire, veuillez contacter l’accueil par téléphone (02 41 24 97 07) ou par courriel ( Le nombre de participants est limité, il faut donc s’inscrire rapidement ! Le coût est de 75 euros (comprenant le goûter, le matériel et une adhésion unique à la bibliothèque lors de la première inscription).

Portes Ouvertes

Portes Ouvertes | 22/06/2024 | 1:00 pm-6:00 pm

Portes Ouvertes

Venez découvrir la collection de 25 000 livres en anglais ainsi que des activités culturelles !

Cette journée est une excellente occasion pour vous de découvrir la bibliothèque anglophone d’Angers et de rencontrer notre association. Vous pourrez :

  • Visiter nos installations
  • Échanger avec les membres de notre équipe ainsi qu’avec les volontaires
  • Obtenir des informations sur nos programmes et nos activités
  • Tester nos activités avant de vous engager (uniquement sur inscription)

Programme pour les essais gratuits de nos activités:

14h – 14:45 | ENGLISH CONVERSATION GROUP (Adultes)

15h – 15:45 |  ENGLISH CAMP (Collégiens)

16h – 16:45 | CHILDREN’S HOUR (3-6 ans)

Pour garantir le bon déroulement de la journée, nous vous prions de bien vouloir vous inscrire si vous souhaitez participer aux activités (gratuites) par e-mail ou par téléphone 02 41 24 97 07.


Textile Arts & Crafts Workshop

Textile Arts & Crafts Workshop | 20/06/2024 | 2:30 pm-4:30 pm

Textile Arts & Crafts Workshop

If you enjoy exploring all forms of textile and multimedia art, this activity is for you.

We experiment with many different techniques (embroidery, weaving, patchwork, quilting, collages…) and we take pleasure in sharing and exploring various types of work together.

Lately we have completed individual and shared projects which may be displayed.

No previous expertise required. Just come and join us!

Books and tea

Books and tea | 20/06/2024 | 2:15 pm-3:45 pm

Books and tea

“Books and Tea” is a monthly meeting, on a Thursday, for bookworms and tea drinkers. Bring a book you’ve really enjoyed, talk about it and pass it on! The group meets from 2:15 to 3:45. Note that the group will be meeting at La P’tite Cigogne, 23 rue du Musée in Angers. No need to sign up, just come and enjoy!

Bridge Club

Bridge Club | 19/06/2024-26/06/2024 | 6:00 pm-7:30 pm

Bridge Club

Come and play (simple) Bridge (cardgame) at the library! Engage in a brain-stimulating sport: the Mini Bridge Exclusive Society. Discover, learn and play Mini Bridge in a relaxed, casual and informal ambiance. Mini Bridge, as developed by MBES allows and encourages

  • conversations while playing the game,
  • comments and remarks before, during and after the game,
  • second thoughts,
  • not taking oneself too seriously,

…in a nutshell, MBES (Mini Bridge Exclusive Society) proposes a different concept from the competing conventional Bridge Clubs.

Feel free to sign up and come and discover this new activity for library members! It is free and open to members of the library. Please contact the library to join!

*FREE TRIAL* Children’s Hour

*FREE TRIAL* Children’s Hour | 19/06/2024 | 3:00 pm-4:45 pm

Children’s Hour s’agit d’une activité d’initiation à l’anglais pour les enfants de 3 à 10 ans, basée sur des contes, chansons, comptines, jeux et activités manuelles.

Cette activité a lieu le mercredi à la bibliothèque pendant les périodes scolaires.

Cet événement est un essai gratuit pour les familles intéressées à inscrire leurs enfants à la période scolaire 2024-2025, du 25 septembre 2024 au 11 juin 2025.

Uniquement sur inscription ! Merci de vous inscrire par mail ou telephone (02 41 24 97 07).


Take your TOEIC test

Take your TOEIC test | 19/06/2024 | 9:00 am-12:30 pm

Take your TOEIC test

The library is an authorised test center for the TOEIC Listening and Reading Test (the Test of English for International Communication). For more information please visit our TOEIC page or to sign up go to the official ETS website.

Bridge Club

Bridge Club | 12/06/2024 | 6:00 pm-7:30 pm

Bridge Club

Come and play (simple) Bridge (cardgame) at the library! Engage in a brain-stimulating sport: the Mini Bridge Exclusive Society. Discover, learn and play Mini Bridge in a relaxed, casual and informal ambiance. Mini Bridge, as developed by MBES allows and encourages

  • conversations while playing the game,
  • comments and remarks before, during and after the game,
  • second thoughts,
  • not taking oneself too seriously,

…in a nutshell, MBES (Mini Bridge Exclusive Society) proposes a different concept from the competing conventional Bridge Clubs.

Feel free to sign up and come and discover this new activity for library members! It is free and open to members of the library. Please contact the library to join!

Garden Club visit

Garden Club visit | 06/06/2024 | 2:30 pm-4:00 pm

Garden Club visit

Our June visit will be to the Jardin Exotique du Moulin Neuf in Ingrandes-Le Fresne-sur-Loire. This garden of 2700 square meters includes cacti, palm trees, Agaves, a blue Yucca, bamboo, roses, water lilies, aromatic plants, and more. The owner says “a little English” will be possible. The cost of 10€ includes a drink together after the tour. Parking is available in a neighbor’s field, and an outdoor bar and benches will allow us to have snack afterward. You can find more information at
If you would like to join for lunch, a noon lunch has been reserved for us at Au Poisson
d’Argent, located at Le Port, in Le Mesnil-en-Vallee. Leur ardoise offers a menu for 16€ that includes entrée, plat, and dessert OR cheese. Drinks extra.
Please send an email to no later than May 24th if you are interested, indicating whether you will come to just the visit or come for both the visit and the lunch.

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