Portes Ouvertes
Come discover our collection of 25,000 books in English and assortment of cultural activities! This day is an excellent opportunity to discover the English-language Library in Angers. We are a registered non-profit organization and proudly house the second-largest collection of English-language books in France. We currently have over 1,300 members from 72 different countries. You are welcome to join us to:
Program for activity free trials: 14h – 14:45 | ENGLISH CONVERSATION GROUP (Adults) 15h – 15:45 | ENGLISH CAMP (Collégiens) 16h – 16:45 | CHILDREN’S HOUR (3-6 years old) To ensure the free trials run smoothly, we kindly ask that you reserve your spot in advance by e-mail or phone (02 41 24 97 07).
Location: English-language Library in Angers |