Join the library in supporting the Téléthon this year!
DEFI 49 TELETHON – This year, the English-Language Library in Angers will participate in this beautiful project of solidarity and citizenship. The goal is to run, walk…. 30,000 km in 24 hours and to collect donations. Participation is free but why not ask your friends a participation of one euro per kilometer that you do? Location: Etang Saint Nicolas. For more information click here. We suggest we constitute 2 “ELLIA” teams, one for Friday, December 6th (departure at 6:30 pm) and the second for Saturday, December 7th ( departure at 10:30am). Please register at the Front Desk by sending an email to or calling 02 41 24 97 07. We will give you additional information a few days before the d-day! Thank you in advance for your generous participation in this project. Location: |