Readings “One hundred Days with Virginia”
Flash Covid-19: this event has been maintained for a maximum of 40 participants. Reading “One Hundred Days with Virginia” by Marcelline Roux Although not a specialist on the writings of Virginia Woolf, Marcelline Roux (an author by her own right) undertook an ambious project of spending 100 days reading, digesting and recycling in her own reponse the journals of Virginia Woolf. This talk is a presentation in French about the project followed by readings in English from the diaries of Virginia Woolf and Marcelline’s own inspired entries in French. “Living on a day-to-day basis with an author: what does that bring forward? Placing the portraits on the shelf of my library, keeping the French edition of the journals on my writing desk at all times allowed me to imagine how Virginia spent her days and consequently how to better mine.” This event is free and open to the public and is organised with the support of the MIEL. No resevations required. Location: English-language Library in Angers |