2025 Angers Literary Festival – What are our possible futures?

The library is thrilled to announce that we will be organizing our second Literary Festival on Saturday, May 24th, at the Salons Curnonsky in the heart of Angers. With the theme « Possible Futures » this festival will bring together six thinkers on the future of identity, politics, food, climate change, publishing, and more…

Our future is full of more questions than answers right now. How can we protect our democracies?  How can we fight for human rights in a social media landscape filled with misinformation? How can we cope with climate change and ever-worsening wildfires, hurricanes, and droughts? Who should we listen to when deciding how to live ethically in response to today’s challenges?

We have little precedent for how to answer questions like these. And all too often, when we turn to television or film, we find grim, stark, and dystopian portrayals of the future.

That is why we need stories about other possible futures to tell ourselves and our children. We are proud to present the 2025 Angers Literary Festival, where we will hear from six thinkers on this topic. France 24’s Erin Ogunkeye will help lead the day. Amanda Bankert will talk about how veganism and food politics are changing in France and globally. Amy Plum will delve into how inclusivity and identity in young adult fiction is continuing to grow and evolve. Daniel Levin Becker will tell us about Indivisible Cities, a project from the French literary collective Oulipo that created fictional representations of cities under climate pressure and the role narratives play in advancing climate action. Kristina Kearns will explore the reality that even though only a narrow group of people is able to get published, the opportunity to experiment is more accessible than ever before. And Barbara Diggs will share how the history of Civil Rights era marches, boycotts, and strikes could continue to shape our politics in the present and future.

We hope you will join us for a day that will be filled with fascinating, illuminating, and hopeful discussions about our possible futures.


Click here to learn more about our featured authors!


This event is free and open to the public. Stay tuned – the full schedule and registration will be launched soon!

Read Around the World


We challenge you to read (at least) 12 books in English in 2025. Together we’ll set off on a worldwide journey and explore literature from a different region each month.

Pack your literary suitcase and grab your reading passport—we’re heading to Africa this February!






To inspire your travels, we’ve curated books that are set in Africa, penned by African authors, or explore the rich culture and history of the region.  All titles are available in our collection.  Click here for a summary or stop by the display in the library!


To join, simply stop by the library during opening hours and pick up your 2025 Reading Challenge passport. Each time you finish a book from a region, we’ll stamp your passport to mark your journey. Feeling adventurous? Use your Compass Rose Detour to swap out one region with a book of your choice.

Tag us on Instagram so we can follow along! @bibliothequeanglophoneangers #readaroundtheworld

English Camp Collégiens – Spring 2025


Stage ludique en anglais pendant les vacances scolaires!

9, 10, 11 avril, 14h à 17h

Cet stage, encadré par des anglophones, s’adresse aux collégiens qui souhaitent améliorer leur compréhension et expression orale en anglais.  Durant trois après-midis pendant les vacances scolaires, les collégiens peuvent pratiquer l’anglais dans une ambiance conviviale et découvrir qu’il est amusant de parler cette langue !

Coût : 75 € pour les trois après-midi

Registration is now open on HelloAsso!

February New Arrivals


This month, we’ve added 73 new books to the library’s collection!  We’re especially delighted to showcase our selection of new children’s books, featuring beautiful illustrations and stories that help little ones build their vocabulary while making reading a joy for parents as well.

Click here for a summary of the titles added this month, or browse our online catalog to see the full list of arrivals. Happy reading!





Appel aux dons de livres

Soutenez notre bibliothèque : donnez vos livres en anglais !

Vos étagères débordent-elles de livres ? Avez-vous des livres en anglais dont vous n’avez plus besoin ? Nous collectons des livres d’occasion en anglais et nous avons besoin de votre aide !


Pourquoi donner vos livres ?

  • Élargir notre collection : Les livres que notre bibliothèque ne possède pas encore et qui sont en bon état seront ajoutés à notre collection, enrichissant ainsi les ressources disponibles.
  • Financer nos programmes : Les livres que nous possédons déjà et qui sont en bon ou assez bon état seront vendus lors de notre Big, Big Book Sale (BBB).
  • Recycler et soutenir l’éducation : Les livres qui ne peuvent être conservés ou vendus sont recyclés de manière responsable.


Ce que nous acceptons :

  • Tous les livres en anglais : Nous accueillons toutes les donations, quel que soit l’état du livre.
  • Romans préférés : Nous sommes particulièrement reconnaissants pour les romans en bon état.

Comment faire un don : Apportez vos livres à notre bibliothèque au 60 rue Boisnet pendant nos heures d’ouverture, ou contactez-nous par e-mail ou par téléphone (02 41 24 97 07) pour organiser un dépôt à un moment qui vous convient !

Vos dons généreux nous aideront à continuer de fournir des ressources et des services précieux à notre communauté. Merci pour votre soutien !