Events - 16 Fév 18

Coffee House | 16/02/2018 | 9:00 -11:00

2014-12-05 Angers English library 5309

This is a special moment when the community gathers together to talk about everything and anything (…in English of course!) and sips coffee and tea. Coffee House is free and open to all library members. Just drop in, no need to reserve! Coffee house is every Friday except during school holidays.


Knit and natter | 16/02/2018 | 10:00 -11:00


Come along and bring your knitting,

Have a natter while you’re sitting,

Or learn to knit with wool provided,

Needles loaned and stitches guided.

Knitted garments are très chic,

So be in vogue and start this week.


Knit and natter is a free activity open to all members. No need to reserve, just come and enjoy yourself!

Bookclub reads “The Awakening” | 16/02/2018 | 2:30 -4:00


The February read for the bookclub is “The Awakening” by Kate Chopin. She wanted to swim far out, where no woman had swum before.’ Kate Chopin was one of the most individual and adventurous of nineteenth-century american writers, whose fiction explored new and often startling territory. When her most famous story, The Awakening, was first published in 1899, it stunned readers with its frank portrayal of the inner word of Edna Pontellier, and its daring criticisms of the limits of marriage and motherhood.

For any enquiries about joining the bookclub please send an email by clicking here.